PS Plus Game Catalog

4player game that can be played for free with a PS Plus subscription (Extra or above)

New relationship between PS Plus and offline forces

There are 3 plans PlayStation Plus. The "Game Catalog", which is included in the mid- and high-end "Extra" and "Premium" services, is attracting attention.

"Game Catalog"

A service included in the subscription that allows you to play hundreds of PS4/PS5 games. This includes several games that support offline 4-player play (and are very good). Click here for details

The list of games added to the "Game Catalog" in July 2024

Below, we've picked up 4 players offline out of the hundreds included in the Game Catalog. Let's have a lot of fun at an affordable price!

※Updated July 17, 2024
※All of the games introduced can be played on PS5.


Close list of "A-D"




Close list of "M-P"


Close list of "Q-T"


What did you think. It's quite a volume, and it's a good value for money!

Some people want to play solo!

On this page, I've only introduced 4-player offline multiplayer games, but...
Honestly, the "game catalog" for PS Plus Extra and above has a amazing lineup of solo play titles. Cospa is too good.

  • Final Fantasy series
  • Ghost of Tsushima
  • Death Stranding
  • Horizon Series
  • Marvel Spider-Man
  • Assassin's Creed Series

Etc... (there are many more) they are all magnificent masterpieces. Time melts.

I wish I could keep doing it, but...long solo play tends to be coldly viewed at home. Even if you have such a problem! First, Try playing the games introduced on this page with your family. After playing games with everyone and increasing "Presence and Wonderfulness of PlayStation", it's hard to get criticized even if you play solo. You should be able to watch solo play together, and the "eyes around you" should soften a little (compared to our company)!

Play with everyone or play solo! Use this page to enjoy the wonders of the PlayStation!

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